O2/A1: Joint definition of teaching and training programme on OS and RDM has been realised based on the outputs identified in O1 and O3 and on the requirements of the ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
O2/A2: Development of specific training content and delivery of teaching methodology specifications.
O2/A3: Development of Training of Trainers, methodology and content ensured a high knowledge and professional background of the teachers and trainers on a multifaceted approach:
- Objectives of the programme, such as the state of the art and novel knowledge about OS and RDM;
- Proper application of the defined formats and didactics;
- Corresponding duration of the modules regarding the content of the modules;
- Broad range of diverse levels of knowledge in OS and RDM and transferable skills, as well as basic and inter-, multi- and disciplinary knowledge in OS and RDM and beyond;
- Accordance to the content of the identified project target groups and their specific needs.