University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) is the largest technical university in Romania, ranked 1st among the top 12 universities awarded the title of “University for advanced research and education” by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. In FP7 and HORIZON 2020 EU programs, UPB was the most successful national research entity, with over 60 international grants (32 from H2020) in the last 3 years. The R&D entities in UPB benefit of a strong infrastructure in different fields (74 R&D personnel, 45 Research Centres, ~150 Research Labs).
UPB aims to become a leader in the OS and RDM science and education. Its main goal is to promote scientific excellence and, by being part in the technology development, have access to the formation of a new generation of specialists in OS and RDM data services. As such, UPB has as the main incentive the idea of promoting the Open Science initiative in Romania and in Europe. The representatives of UPB participating in this project are members in different working groups of CAESAR network, one of them dedicated to OS and RDM or RII. They effective participated on elaboration of policy documents as ADVANCING RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT IN UNIVERSITIES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY finalized and published this year and white paper on RII presented at CESAER CAM 2018 in Bucharest and published in 2019. As such we are a strong promoter of the Open Sharing and FAIR data principles. The Erasmus project allows us to be among the first in Europe to demonstrate the applicability of concepts for the practical training of specialists, the formation of a new generation of specialists in OS and RDM research. Our societal goal refers to the fact that UPB was always one of the most advanced research institutions in Romania. However, in order to sustain research quality, we need to support top-quality research, we need to promote an OS culture in our organisation.